Cloud-based DNS vs. on-site DNS servers

January 31, 2022


DNS or Domain Name System is the backbone of the internet. Without it, we would be typing in IP addresses every time we wanted to visit a website. DNS servers are responsible for translating domain names into their respective IP addresses. However, businesses face a dilemma when it comes to choosing between cloud-based and on-site DNS servers.

In this blog post, we will compare cloud-based DNS with on-site DNS servers in terms of performance, security, cost, and scalability. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of which one is the best match for your business.


Cloud-based DNS servers have the edge over on-site DNS servers when it comes to performance. This is because cloud-based servers are distributed across servers in different locations, ensuring that queries are resolved faster. On-site DNS servers, on the other hand, are limited to the physical location where they are installed, resulting in slower response times.

Recent studies by Amazon Web Services (AWS) reported that their Route 53 service outperformed on-site DNS servers by an average of 25%. This was attributed to the use of anycast addressing, which directs queries to the nearest available server.


Security is a vital aspect to consider when choosing a DNS server. Cloud-based DNS servers offer better security compared to on-site DNS servers. Cloud-based DNS hosting providers take security measures such as redundancy, firewalls, and regular security updates to reduce security breaches.

On the other hand, on-site DNS servers are more susceptible to security breaches due to lack of security measures, firewalls, and outdated software.


Cost is an important factor that businesses consider when choosing between cloud-based DNS servers and on-site DNS servers. Cloud-based DNS systems offer a more affordable option compared to their on-site counterparts.

While initial setup costs can be high, ongoing maintenance costs and expenses associated with on-site DNS servers can be significantly greater. On the other hand, cloud-based DNS servers omit the need for businesses to acquire hardware, hire IT staff, or allocate space.


One of the significant advantages of cloud-based DNS servers is scalability. Cloud-based DNS providers offer businesses the ability to scale as their needs grow. Providers can quickly and easily add more resources to meet the needs of businesses.

On-site DNS servers, on the other hand, require businesses to upgrade their hardware to accommodate increased traffic. This is not only expensive but can also be a complicated process.


In conclusion, it's clear that cloud-based DNS servers offer more benefits than on-site DNS servers. From better performance, greater security, lower costs, and scalability, cloud-based DNS servers trump on-site DNS servers.

While on-site DNS servers may be suitable for small businesses with minimal traffic, it's essential for businesses to consider cloud-based DNS solutions as they offer superior performance, security, and flexibility.



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